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Saturday 2 September 2017

about Amazon web services

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1.Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): Amazon's EC2 is a cloud computing service that allows users to deploy and run their applications on rented virtual computers. Users can boot what are called Amazon Machine Images and create an instance, also known as a virtual machine, and pay for the amount of computing power they need by the hour. Amazon EC2 uses Xen virtualization, and the service allows users to adapt to changing performance and capacity needs with an auto-scaling function.

Amazon Simple Storage Service: Amazon's S3 is a cloud storage service that provides scalable, unlimited online archiving and backup for Amazon Web Services users. As of early March, Amazon S3 had stored more than 100 billion objects.
Application programming interface (API): An API is set of programming instructions that cloud computing providers release to developers in order to allow for the creation and deployment of applications on their cloud services. APIs are software-to-software interfaces that accelerate the application development process.

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