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Friday 25 August 2017

Samsung 16TB SSD is the World’s Largest Hard Drive

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At the 2015 Flash Memory Summit in California this past week, Samsung unveiled the largest capacity hard drive in the world. It’s a 2.5-inch solid state drive (SSD) that can hold 16 terabytes of data (15.36TB, to be exact).

Golem.de reports that the new drive is called the PM1633a, and that Samsung was showing off a server packed with 48 of these drives for a ginormous total storage capacity of 768 terabytes.
If you’re dead set on quickly storing all of your
eggs photos in one basket, you’ll probably still need some very deep pockets to purchase a Samsung PM1633a if/when it becomes commercially available. Ars Technica believes that it’ll cost at least $7,000 a pop.
This hard drive seems to be designed for enterprise (e.g. server) purposes, but perhaps it’s just a first glimpse of a world in which photographers are shooting gigapixel photos with each exposure and need this type of monstrous capacity for ordinary work. After all, there was a time in which 16MB memory cards were widely used, and nowadays 16GB cards can feel small next to the 512GB cards on the market.

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