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Sunday, 3 September 2017

What is Spirit Science

Image result for spiritual

Spirit Science is a video series on an Internet website that explores spirituality from a humanistic, New Age point of view. Spirit Science purports to rediscover ancient wisdom, lost through the ages, and to offer a view of reality midway between the seemingly opposite views of religion and science. According to the Spirit Science website, “Consciousness is the key factor that brings both Science and Religion into each others [sic] arms. Consciousness is the understanding that you are more than your physical body, you are a conscious being that is one with everything in reality, and that the experience is the reason for doing anything!” According to Spirit Science, we are all “god.” It is about human unity leading to higher consciousness.

The video series that teaches Spirit Science states that it is not a religion. Rather, it is a call to people to find out what they want and then go do it. The series begins with a discussion of the mind, body, and spirit/soul. While religions have attempted to address humanity’s spiritual nature, they propose only discordant, non-concrete answers, and that’s where Spirit Science says it can help. According to Spirit Science, humans create their own realities, both individually and as a whole, through the power of thought.

Other video discuss chakras, or energy points within the body; channeling; crystals; astral projection; the reality of Atlantis; the existence of Martians; and “sacred geometry.” Interestingly, the text accompanying the channeling video includes a warning that “Channeling as a mediumship might not be as safe as realized. . . . When a being comes INTO the body, and basically uses the body to convey messages (of course with the willingness of both parties), can [sic] have affects [sic] on the DNA of both parties. Because of this, the benevolent beings in the universe tend not to channel.” Christians will recognize this warning as a realization that demon possession is possible. The Spirit Science website FAQ section includes a similar warning, from a site user, about “dark forces” present in Reiki.

Common themes in the videos are experience, imbalance, collective consciousness, and the need for unity within oneself and with others so that we may all awaken to a higher level of consciousness. At the beginning of one movie, the narrator says, “Don’t believe or disbelieve anything we discuss in Spirit Science. Simply have your own experience.”

In trying to bridge the gap between science and religion, Spirit Science uses many biblical allusions, including references to Noah’s flood, Moses, and Jesus. The videos present Jesus as the inter-dimensionally conceived child of Joseph and Mary who was to carry out the plan of the “Ascended Masters.” Basically, Jesus was sent to earth to demonstrate a higher level of existence to people. Spirit Science describes the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus as examples of what each human has the power to experience.

The Spirit Science site’s own recognition that it is an exploratory theory rather than a statement of truth is both encouraging and potentially dangerous. On one hand, the site seems open to admitting that not everything it says is correct. On the other hand, such an open stance may make Spirit Science seem safer to explore than it actually is. The site recognizes the dangers of Reiki and channeling. More importantly, though, is the site’s misdirected foray into the world of the spiritual, the esoteric, and the occult. Spirit Science recognizes bits of truth—that our spirits are important aspects of who we are and the reality of the mind-body connection. However, it does all this apart from God.

Spirit Science anticipates that things are about to change in the world. Christians know that Christ is coming again. It is not that our earth is shifting into a new dimension or that humans are about to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. Our earth is progressing toward a time of great delusion and tribulation before Jesus ushers in His Millennial Kingdom. To a believer grounded in truth, Spirit Science is a clear lie of the enemy. Nuggets of truth, even biblical stories, are woven in, but the promotion of occult practices, psychic meditation, and New Age thought is completely wrong. It is a typical deception of Satan—take a nugget of truth, twist it, and mix it with appeals to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16).

In Spirit Science people are told they are the masters of their own fate and encouraged to seek after “joy.” They are told to create any reality they want. They are led to believe that special knowledge is the key, in many ways similar to the gnostic heresies present in the early church. In contrast, Christians are called to rely on the sovereignty of God, to trust in His plan, and to diligently work to bring it to fruition. It is only in Christ that our joy is made complete (John 15:11).

Second Timothy 3:4–5 speaks of people who are “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” Spirit Science falls into this category.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

The 7 Chakras – A Beginners Guide To Your Energy System

What on Earth is a Chakra?
In many spiritual and healing disciplines, and in the world of complementary medicine the word Chakra pops up quite a bit. That’s fine if you know its meaning; not so great, and I must say pretty confusing, if you don’t. Here’s our simple summary of the 7 Chakras that covers what a Chakra is, and what the Chakra System is all about.
The 7 Chakras are the energy centres in our body in which energy flows through.
The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’. Literally translated from the Hindi it means ‘Wheel of spinning Energy’. A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. Within our bodies, you have seven of these major energy centres and many more minor ones.
You can think of chakras as invisible, rechargeable batteries.
They are charged and recharged through contact with the stream of cosmic energy in the atmosphere in much the same way that your home is connected to a central power source within a city – the only difference is that this cosmic energy source is free.
Imagine this, a vertical power current rather like a fluorescent tube that runs up and down the spine, from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Think of this as your main source of energy. The seven major chakras are in the centre of the body and are aligned with this vertical “power line. ”
Chakras connect your spiritual bodies to your physical one.
They regulate the flow of energy throughout the electrical network (meridians) that runs through the physical body. The body’s electrical system resembles the wiring in a house. It allows electrical current to be sent to every part, and it is ready for use when needed.
Sometimes chakras become blocked because of stress, emotional or physical problems. If the body’s ‘energy system’ can not flow freely it is likely that problems will occur. The consequence of irregular energy flow may result in physical illness and discomfort or a sense of being mentally and emotionally out of balance.

The 7 chakra systemThis image shows where the main chakras in are located in your body. You can read a brief, yet full explanation for each chakra below.
Chakra 7 – The Crown
Its colour is violet and it is located at the top of your head. It is associated with the cerebral cortex, central nervous system and the pituitary gland. It is concerned with information, understanding, acceptance and bliss. It is said to be your own place of connection to God, the Chakra of Divine purpose and personal destiny. Blockage can manifest as psychological problems.
Chakra 6 – The Third Eye (or Brow Chakra)
Its colour is Indigo (a combination of red and blue). It is located at the centre of your forehead at eye level or slightly above. This Chakra is used to question the spiritual nature of our life. It is the Chakra of question, perception and knowing. It is concerned with inner vision, intuition and wisdom. Your dreams for this life and recollections of other lifetimes are held in this Chakra. Blockage may manifest as problems like lack of foresight, mental rigidity, ‘selective’ memory and depression.
Chakra 5. The Throat
Its colour is blue or turquoise and it is located within the throat. It is the Chakra of communication, creativity, self-expression and judgement. It is associated with your Neck, shoulders, arms, hands, thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is concerned with the senses of inner and outer hearing, the synthesising of ideas, healing, transformation and purification. Blockage can show up as creative blocks, dishonesty or general problems in communicating ones needs to others.
Chakra 4 – The Heart
Its colour is green and it is located within your heart. It is the centre of love, compassion, harmony and peace. The Asians say that this is the house of the soul. This Chakra is Associate with your lungs, heart, arms hands and thymus gland. We fall in love through our heart Chakra, then that feeling of unconditional love moves to the emotional centre commonly known as the solar plexus. After that it moves into the sexual centre or Base Chakra where strong feelings of attraction can be released. When these energies move into the Base Chakra we may have the desire to marry and settle down. Blockage can show itself as immune system, lung and heart problems, or manifest as inhumanity, lack of compassion or unprincipled behaviour.
Chakra 3 – The Solar Plexus
Its colour is yellow and it is located a few inches above the navel in the solar plexus area. This chakra is concerned with your digestive system, muscles, pancreas and adrenals. It is the seat of your emotional life. Feelings of personal power, laughter, joy and anger are associated with this centre. Your sensitivity, ambition and ability to achieve are stored here. Blockage may manifest as anger, frustration, lack of direction or a sense of victimisation.
Chakra 2 – The Sacral (or Navel Chakra)
Its colour is orange and it is located between the base of your spine and your navel. It is associated with your lower abdomen, kidneys, bladder, circulatory system and your reproductive organs and glands. It is concerned with emotion. This chakra represents desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation and creativity. Blockage may manifest as emotional problems, compulsive or obsessive behaviour and sexual guilt.
1. the Base (or Root Chakra)
Its colour is red and it is located at the perineum, base of your spine. It is the Chakra closest to the earth. Its function is concerned with earthly grounding and physical survival. This Chakra is associated with your legs, feet, bones, large intestine and adrenal glands. It controls your fight or flight response. Blockage may manifest as paranoia, fear, procrastination and defensiveness.

What do you think?
Are you new to the concepts of chakras and auras?  Do you have any questions for us? We are happy to answer. Please ask in the comments section below.
Have you participated in a Chakra Healing journey? If your Chakra has been blocked what has helped you get the energy flowing again? We would love to hear your tips and stories so please join the conversation. As always, your interaction with our posts creates a reservoir of wisdom for all our readers to benefit from so please share your thoughts, stories and questions in the comments box below and remember to tweet, like and +1 ~ thanks, its appreciated.

Preparing Linux Server for Nagios monitoring tool

In this article we are going to discuss about the best practice to install an Linux server for nagios monitoring tool. As like regular installation will also work but we will face an issue later an while configuring the nagios alerts, integrating with nagvis and pnp4nagios. Preparing Linux Server for Nagios Monitoring tool
Just remember to follow the below steps to prepare an Linux server for nagios monitoring tool.

Preparing Linux server for Nagios monitoring tool

We have consider below steps to make best nagios monitoring tool implementation
  1. Do not install all packages all are not required
  2. Install Linux server with minimal installation
  3. Do remember to install php, perl, shell, basic tools, snmp, httpd, ssh, tar, wget, python and crond
  4. While installing make a separate partition for /usr/ using LVM (As a default installation location if you considered. if you want to change you also do that )
  5. Create all separate partition for Nagios archive Logs
  6. One important thing is to check version compatibility
  7. Use always stable versions to build production servers.

Nagios core Installation in RHEL7 / Centos 7 Step by Step Guide

Nagios Core 4 Installation Step by step guide in RHEL 7 / Centos 7. Nagios Core Installation is simple and easy process but when your doing for the first time you will little bit confused, Installation of Nagios core is plays major role because while installing we have to run configure as nagcmd group or else all the file permissions and configuration files we have to change later.

What is Nagios core..?? How to do Nagios Core Installation

Nagios core is an most popular and enterprise open source monitoring tool. Using this monitoring tool you can monitor any device in this world even UPS / Battery status. This tool will support almost all the scripting languages.
Prepare your Linux server to install Nagios monitoring tool
Nagios Version:  4.1.1


  • Nagios code is written in C language so you required an gcc++ compiler packages to compile and install Nagios.
  • Required wget package to download the nagios tool directly from web to server
  • To untar  the package required Rar / Zip RPM’s
  • Web / Apache / Httpd service to host the Nagios
  • Install php and perl packages to run Nagios plugins

Step1:> Installing prerequisites

~]# yum install -y wget httpd php gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-devel make net-snmp perl perl-devel openssl
by using above command it will install all the required prerequisites

Step2:> Download the Nagios Core Package from web

~]#wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/nagios/files/nagios-4.x/nagios-4.1.1/nagios-4.1.1.tar.gz
using above command you can download the NagiosCore 4.1.1 package

Step3:> Create Nagios User and Nagcmd group

~]#useradd nagios                ##Creating Nagios User
~]#groupadd nagcmd               ##Creating Nagcmd Group
~]#usermod -a -G nagcmd nagios   ##Adding nagios user to nagcmd group

Step4:> Untar the Package

~]#tar -xzvf nagios-4.1.1.tar.gz
above command will untar the tar file

Step5:> Compiling Nagios code

cd nagios-4.1.1
./configure --with-command-group=nagcmd
make all                                    ##To Make the package
make install                      ##To install the complied package 
make install-init        ##To install init script in /etc/rc.d/init.d
make install-config                    ##To Generate the config files
make install-commandmode        ##To install the command mode enable
make install-webconf                ##To Generate the Web config file
using all above commands in sequence will installation  nagios

Step6:> Copy the Event handler directory and change its ownership

~]#cp -rvf contrib/eventhandlers/ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
Change ownership of copied directory using below command
~]#chown -R nagios:nagcmd /usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers

Step7:> Create nagiosadmin user and Generate the password to Web Login

create nagiosadmin user and generate password of nagiosadmin using htpasswd command. nagiosadmin we will use to login the web console.
~]#htpasswd -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin

Step8:> Start the httpd and nagios services

use below given command to start the httpd and nagios services
~]#systemctl start httpd.service 
~]#systemctl start nagios.service
Check the services status
~]#systemctl status httpd.service 
~]#systemctl status nagios.service

Step9:> Allow 80 port to access the Nagios using remote machine

in RHEL7 / Centos 7 instead of iptables firewalld is introduced use firewalld to allow 80 port
~]#firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp -permanent 
~]#firewall-cmd --reload

Step10:> Access the Nagios using web browser

open the browser and type http://IPADDRESS/nagios
Nagios credentials - Tech tutorials
nagios screen - Tech Tutorials
in above screen you can able to see the Nagios dashboard is showing errors, because we did not yet installed the nagios plugins. After Nagios Core Installation We must install plugins are else we will get above error.
Lets install nagios plugins..!!

Install Nagios plugins on Nagios Server

Nagios plugins will play main role to monitor the service. Its very easy to install the nagios plugins.
nagios plugins are locate yet /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
Download the plugins bundle
~]# wget http://www.nagios-plugins.org/download/nagios-2.0.3.tar.gz
extract the package
~]# tar -xzvf nagios-plugins-2.0.3.tar.gz
Change to directory to install plugins
cd nagios-plugins-2.0.3 
./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagcmd 
make install
After installing an nagios plugins just wait for five minutes and open the nagios web console and see.
Nagios Webconsole - Tech Tutorials
That’s it…!! your Nagios Core monitoring tool is installed successfully. Nagios Core Installation is Successfully Now you can Monitor Servers / Devices using Nagios Core.
Please provide your valuable comments..!!
referred from ARKIT.CO.IN

Linux Server Monitoring using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Nagios

If you would like to monitor servers agent less ultimately the best solution is SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). Agent less server monitoring using Nagios. In this Article we are going to see how to Linux server Monitoring Using SNMP Nagios.
Why you would like to go with an Agent less monitoring? because when your server is already in production but you don’t want to modify / Install extra packages in them. In this case simple method is enabling SNMP in client which send traps to Nagios server.

Linux Server Monitoring Using SNMP Nagios

Open SNMP communication from Linux client and monitor using Nagios. Let’s see what are steps we have to follow in order to configure.
Complete Step by step guide for SNMP Installation and configuration
[root@Arkit-Serv~]# vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

rocommunity commstring NAGIOS-SERVER-IP

Just check from Nagios server that SNMP is responding properly, if you get output like below then its working fine.
./check_snmp -H -o . -C commstring
SNMP OK - Timeticks: (60558317) 7 days, 0:13:03.17 |

Define Commands

define command {
 command_name check_service_snmp
 command_line $USER1$/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
Now Define your Host and Service Definitions
# #
# ::: Host Defination ::: #

define host {
 host_name LinuxServer.arkit.co.in
 use generic_host
 hostgroups linux-servers
 max_check_attempts 5
 check_interval 5
 retry_interval 1
 check_period 24x7
 contacts Linuxadmin
 contact_groups LinuxGroup
 notification_interval 0
 notification_period 24x7
 notifications_enabled 1

# #
# ::: Service Defination ::: #
define service {
 host_name LinuxServer.arkit.co.in
 service_description / Disk Usage
 use Linuxsnmp_storage
 check_command check_service_snmp! -C commstring --v2c -m "^/$" -w 90 -c 95 -f
 max_check_attempts 5
 check_interval 10
 retry_interval 1
 check_period 24x7
 notification_interval 0
 notification_period 24x7
 contacts Linuxadmin
 contact_groups LinuxGroup

define service {
 host_name LinuxServer.arkit.co.in
 service_description CPU Usage
 use linuxsnmp_load
 check_command check_service_snmp! -C commstring --v2c -w 90 -c 95 -f
 max_check_attempts 5
 check_interval 10
 retry_interval 1
 check_period 24x7
 notification_interval 0
 notification_period 24x7
 contacts Linuxadmin
 contact_groups LinuxGroup


define service {
 host_name LinuxServer.arkit.co.in
 service_description Memory Usage
 use Linuxsnmp_storage
 check_command check_service_snmp! -C commstring --v2c -m Physical -w 90 -c 95 -f
 max_check_attempts 5
 check_interval 10
 retry_interval 1
 check_period 24x7
 notification_interval 0
 notification_period 24x7
 contacts Linuxadmin
 contact_groups LinuxGroup


define service {
 host_name LinuxServer.arkit.co.in
 service_description Ping
 use genericnetdevice_ping_service
 check_command check-host-alive
 max_check_attempts 5
 check_interval 10
 retry_interval 1
 check_period 24x7
 notification_interval 0
 notification_period 24x7
 notifications_enabled 1
 contacts Linuxadmin
 contact_groups LinuxGroup


define service {
 host_name LinuxServer.arkit.co.in
 service_description Swap Usage
 use Linuxsnmp_storage
 check_command check_service_snmp! -C commstring --v2c -m 'Swap' -w 90 -c 95 -f
 max_check_attempts 5
 check_interval 10
 retry_interval 1
 check_period 24x7
 notification_interval 0
 notification_period 24x7
 contacts Linuxadmin
 contact_groups LinuxGroup

 That’s it Go and see in your Nagios web console you can see all specified service status.
Nagios Linux
Nagios Linux


If you have Network latency / Network slowness then you will so many false positive alarms from Monitoring tool. If you use NRPE client which reduce little bit of false positive alerts. Nagios Server resource utilization will go high when you use SNMP. Linux server monitoring using snmp

ITIL Introduction

Most organizations consider their people, capabilities, processes, and technologies to be strategic assets. These assets help deliver and support the company’s vision and mission. Efficient and effective alignment of capabilities and resources of services and products can help create a strategic advantage in the markets that organizations serve. This is where ITIL®, the Information Technology Infrastructure Library, comes into play. ITIL is the most widely accepted approach to IT service management in the world. It helps individuals and organizations use IT to realize business change, transformation and growth.
The ultimate goal of ITIL is to improve how IT delivers and supports valued business services. ITIL is not just technology management or process management. It also focuses on improving the capabilities of people, processes, and technology. ITIL provides value for an organization, its resources and capabilities, including employees and customers.
Adoption of the ITIL framework can be the foundation for success of other initiatives such as DevOps, cybersecurity, cyber-resilience, Internet of Things (IoT), and other emerging trends and technologies.

DevOps - development and operations

DevOps (development and operations) is an enterprise software development phrase used to mean a type of agile relationship between development and IT operations. The goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship by advocating better communication and collaboration between these two business units.

Why Do We Need DevOps in the Enterprise?

In the enterprise there is a need to break down silos, where business units operate as individual entities within the enterprise where management, processes and information are guarded.  On the software development side — and for those working in IT operations — there needs to be better communication and collaboration to best serve the IT business needs of the organization. 

DevOps Culture

One answer to breaking down enterprise silos is the move towards a DevOps-based culture that partners developers with operations staff to ensure the organization achieves optimal running of software with minimal problems.  This culture is one that supports a willingness to work together and share.
The DevOps culture puts a focus on creating a fast and stable work flow through development and IT operations.  One main goal of DevOps is to deploy features into production quickly and to detect and correct problems when they occur, without disrupting other services.

DevOps Principles

DevOps is not based on stringent methodologies and processes: it is based on professional principles that help business units collaborate inside the enterprise and break down the traditional silos. The guiding principles of DevOps include culture, measurement, automation and sharing.
DevOps is considered to be a new approach to the more traditional application lifecycle management (ALM) process.